Food law: a view from Dietitians and students in Nutrition and Dietetics from Chile


  • Samuel Duran-Agüero Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Solange Parra Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Danay Ahumada Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Paolo Castro Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Jerusa Brignardello Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Karen Riedemann Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Claudia Villablanca Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago Departamento de Nutrición y Diabetes, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago
  • Oscar Gutierrez Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Claudia Quinteros Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Gabriela Tranchino Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Francisca Toledo Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago
  • Mirta Crovetto Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Playa Ancha. Valparaíso



Legislation, Food, Nutritionists, Nutritive Value, Food Labeling, Advertising as Topic


Introduction: In 2016 the new food law regulation 20,606 was implemented in Chile. This law is about composition and advertising in foods. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of nutritionists and Nutrition and Dietetics undergraduate students (N&D).

Material and Methods: A transversal study. An online survey was designed including questions about perception and knowledge of the food law regulation 20,606. This survey was shared on social media related to nutritionists between December 2016 and January 2017.

Results: 1584 surveys were replied (902 replied by nutritionists and 682 replied by undergraduates). 99.0% of nutritionists and 99.2% of N&D are aware of the law. 81.7% of nutritionists and 85% of N&D agreed with this new law. Regarding to the effectiveness of this law, almost half of both studied groups considered this new regulation effective. Although, this law is not regulating the sale of unhealthy products outside schools. 88.2% of the nutritionists and 86.2% of N&D indicated that they have provided patient nutritional education related to this law.

Conclusions: Both studied groups in Chile are aware of this new law perceiving it positively and they have provided nutritional education to consumers. However, they consider it important to improve the application of the law in schools and implement future modifications that include the restriction of sale of foods with “warning” stickers to restrict their consumption in the child population.

Author Biographies

Samuel Duran-Agüero, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago

Nutricionista. Msc. Promoción de la Salud.  PhD Nutrición y Alimentos, Profesor asistente, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad San Sebeastián

Claudia Villablanca, Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago Departamento de Nutrición y Diabetes, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago

Docente, Universidad Católica

Mirta Crovetto, Colegio de Nutricionistas de Chile. Santiago Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Playa Ancha. Valparaíso

Decana Facultad de la Salud. Universidad Playa Ancha


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How to Cite

Duran-Agüero, S., Parra, S., Ahumada, D., Castro, P., Brignardello, J., Riedemann, K., Villablanca, C., Gutierrez, O., Quinteros, C., Tranchino, G., Toledo, F., & Crovetto, M. (2017). Food law: a view from Dietitians and students in Nutrition and Dietetics from Chile. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 21(4), 327–334.

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