Effects of marijuana consumption on food intake and nutrient metabolism: a review


  • Juan Pablo Morales Basto Universidad Nacional de Colombia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6733-5441
  • Elpidia Poveda Espinosa Universidad Nacional de Colombia




Cannabis, Cannabinoids, Nutritional Status, Diet


Marijuana is one of the most consumed psychoactive in Colombia and worldwide. It has been observed that it has effects over central nervous system; in consequence it may affect the metabolism and nutritional status of marijuana users. This article intends to evaluate if consumption of marijuana and the activation of the cannabinoid system have the capacity to activate physiological mechanisms through which the intake and the nutrient metabolism get affected. As a result, it is found that the consumption of marijuana influences increasing the orexigenic stimulus and decreasing the anorexigenic stimulus, which influence increasing the ingestion and changing the production of important enzymes in the metabolism of fat. Likewise, it affects the appearance of alterations in the nutritional status of the consumers that involve the decrease of their body max index (BMI), which contrasts with the results related to the intake, thus highlights the importance of carry out deep studies that could explain this questioning.

Author Biography

Elpidia Poveda Espinosa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Nutritionist-Dietitian, Masters in Biology, Doctorate degree in Biological Sciences. 

• Leader in scientific and regulatory affairs from nutrition and health area to food industry; transferable skills to pharmaceutical sector and biotechnology :

Scientific research projects, transfer and application of knowledge and scientist support according to the plans and strategies in innovation and development to guide the design and development of innovative products.

Government or non-governmental affairs to solve problems related to health issues, emerging regulations, health claims, nutrition labeling, and authorizations for use of new ingredients.

• Extensive experience in health and nutrition research both in the area of biomedical research and 
applied research. 

• Experience in public health, especially in food and nutrition policies, plans and programs in food 
and nutrition

• University teaching experience: research programs, nutritional epidemiology, public health, 
nutritional physiology, and food processing.


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How to Cite

Morales Basto, J. P., & Poveda Espinosa, E. (2017). Effects of marijuana consumption on food intake and nutrient metabolism: a review. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 21(3), 280–292. https://doi.org/10.14306/renhyd.21.3.328

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