Availability and interpretation of the labeling of dairy products in Montevideo- Uruguay: transversal study on declarations of nutritional properties related to energy and total fats


  • Flavia Belem Noguera Mesias Departamento de Alimentos, Escuela de Nutrición, Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Mercedes Briones Urbano Área de Salud y Nutrición, Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana. Barcelona, España.




Food Labeling, Consumer Behavior, Dairy Products, Dietary Fats.


Introduction: The objective is to learn about the availability of dairy products sold in Montevideo containing declarations of nutritional properties related to fats and caloric values included in the labelling and the manner in which such terms are construed by consumers.

Material and methods: A descriptive and transversal study on dairy products including nutritional declarations related to fats and caloric value was carried out in stores in the city of Montevideo. The information was gathered from food labelling. A convenience survey with closed questions was carried out to learn how consumers older than 20 years old interpret the declarations.

Results: 14% of dairy products available in stores contain nutritional declarations related to fats and caloric value. Most of such declarations were present in yogurt and secondly in spread cheese. Fat is the nutrient most frequently mentioned on the declarations. The “0% fat” declaration appears in 54% of dairy products. 64% of people surveyed stated that they read the declarations included in labels. The main reason why they purchase this kind of product is that the consumption of low-fat and low-energy dairy products is good for health. “0% fat” and “light” dairy products are preferred.

Conclusions: Consumers show interest in the information written in the nutritional labelling of dairy products, which is a positive thing as they can serve as a tool to choose food with a lower caloric percentage and less fat. Therefore, this has a positive impact on the health of consumers.

Author Biographies

Flavia Belem Noguera Mesias, Departamento de Alimentos, Escuela de Nutrición, Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay.

Prof. Agda del Departamento de Alimentos. Escuela de Nutrición. Universidad de la República. Uruguay

Mercedes Briones Urbano, Área de Salud y Nutrición, Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana. Barcelona, España.

Directora Proyecto Final. Area Nutrición 

Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) España


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How to Cite

Noguera Mesias, F. B., & Briones Urbano, M. (2019). Availability and interpretation of the labeling of dairy products in Montevideo- Uruguay: transversal study on declarations of nutritional properties related to energy and total fats. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 23(4), 231–239. https://doi.org/10.14306/renhyd.23.4.741